
Using DecisionQuest’s CaseXplorer®, trial attorneys can poll surrogate jurors with detailed online surveys, prepared with support and guidance from an experienced jury consultant. Drawn from a pool of over 3 million surrogate jurors, CaseXplorer® results give you a quick, precise snapshot of the strengths and vulnerabilities of every aspect of your case for a fraction of the cost of other methodologies.
What’s a great way to find out, ahead of time, what jurors think of your case? Ask them.
Each CaseXplorer® survey is customized to your unique case and deployed to a surrogate juror pool tailored to your anticipated jury, whether in your venue or nationwide. Surveying a random surrogate juror pool that looks similar to your potential jurors enables our team to provide quantitative predictions of whether a jury may be pro-plaintiff or pro-defendant. Opening and closing statements, arguments, witness credibility, exhibits – you’ll get in-depth analysis of all of them. It’s fast, cost effective and delivers the insights you need, when you need them.