We are the combined result of two pioneering trial services companies, DecisionQuest and TrialEx, each with over 30 years of experience advising and supporting litigators across the country. Our seasoned professionals have a proven track record of supporting more than 53,000 high-risk trials, arbitrations, and mediations across all practice areas. By uniting our strengths, we offer an expanded suite of comprehensive solutions for all phases of litigation, empowering trial teams to confidently present the most persuasive case.

TrialQuest, a U.S. Legal Support company, provides a comprehensive approach to litigation support through our strategic trial consulting, multi-media trial graphics, and trial presentation services. We help trial teams navigate the complexities of litigation and gain a winning edge.

Our teams are available to assist with any case, big or small.

Jury Research & Trial Consultant Services

Thorough trial preparation is essential to maximizing your success in the courtroom. You can know your case facts, your arguments and the law. But until you know your jury, do you really know your case? Boasting over 30 years of experience in jury research, DecisionQuest’s jury consulting and research solutions give you the answers and valuable insight you need to build the case you need. We’re how you know your jurors. Our trial preparation services include in-person and remote mock trials, online jury surveys, venue analysis and more.

Jury Research & Consultant Services

Trial Technology

When trying your case depends on technology, depend on DecisionQuest. Our team has spent over 6,000 days in the “hot seat” delivering support in the most exacting trial environments. Our techs are seasoned pros and experts in the demands of trial and the nuances of courtroom protocol and procedure. Whether you need help with pre-trial logistics or managing a trial presentation database, we work with your trial team every step of the way. Ready when and where you need them, our trial techs work to handle every detail of your presentations seamlessly, leaving you to focus on what really matters: your case.

Trial Technology

We recognize that each case is unique and can benefit from distinct jury research and litigation consulting services to help develop a competitive strategy and craft compelling arguments. DecisionQuest’s litigation and trial consulting services provide a customized approach through the entire litigation lifecycle — before, during and after trial. Here are just a few of the ways in which we can help:  

  • Early insight into the potential strengths and vulnerabilities of your case through a case assessment with our most experienced trial consultants.
  • Trial strategy and theme development through in-person or remote mock trials, focus groups, online surveys and other research studies.
  • Witness preparation to enhance credibility and effectiveness for depositions, arbitrations and trials.
  • Strategic legal graphics and demonstratives to support and enhance your case themes. It’s particularly useful to test legal graphics during research studies. In addition, legal graphics are designed to enhance expert reports, evidentiary hearings, Daubert and Markman hearings, submissions to court, settlement conferences and other pre-trial phases of a litigation as well as jury and bench trials or arbitrations. 
  • Creation of focused, research-based written juror questionnaires and oral voir dire questions designed to both uncover and take advantage of pre-existing juror biases.
  • Rapid collection and analysis of potential jurors’ social media presence and other internet activity and data to help inform jury selection decisions.
  • Assist the trial team at jury selection in uncovering which jurors should be stricken for cause, evaluating jurors who should participate in additional questioning, and critically, make recommendations on which jurors should be considered for peremptory challenges.  
  • Ongoing assessment of jurors’ behaviors, attitudes and perceptions with a shadow jury.
  • Complete trial presentation assistance leveraging our team of experienced Trial Technicians who have over 6,000 days of experience in the “hot seat”.
  • Ongoing, on-site graphics support from a dedicated legal graphic designer to work with you in the “war room,” in addition to remote graphics support.
  • Regardless of the trial outcome, we can provide post-trial analysis, uncovering in-depth insights into how juries are likely to react to similar arguments and exhibits in pending cases or serial litigation. Though a particular case is over, this type of information can benefit your ongoing and future cases.
  • Post-trial jury interviews provide issue-by-issue insight into which details of the case swayed or convinced jurors during the trial, including their attitudes and perceptions of everyone in the courtroom—from judges and attorneys to witnesses.

The DecisionQuest Trial Consulting Difference 

For over 30 years, DecisionQuest, a U.S. Legal Support company, has been a leader in strategic litigation trial consulting.  When everything’s on the line, we provide litigators with critical insight that helps them win. Our work includes testing and developing case strategies, witness evaluation and preparation, juror attitude surveys and analysis, strategic demonstrative design and creation and in-trial presentation assistance with our experienced Trial Technicians. With a nationwide presence we can responsively support all of your litigation needs, anywhere.