Our Offerings

Founded in 1990, DecisionQuest, a U.S. Legal Support Company, has consulted on more than 20,000 high-risk trials, arbitrations and mediations, applying scientific research, methodology and the art of persuasion to help clients realize their best case scenario and make informed, critical decisions. As a strategic trial consulting leader, DecisionQuest provides a full suite of jury research and consulting, trial graphics and trial technology services to law firms, major corporations and insurance companies nationwide.

All Services
View an overview of our service offerings including jury research and consulting, legal graphics and trial technology. 

Using CaseXplorer®, trial attorneys can poll a pool of over 3 million surrogate jurors with detailed online surveys, prepared with support and guidance from an experienced jury consultant.

See how surrogate jurors react to every element of your case – online. Using a secure virtual platform, observe realtime
how every aspect of your case is received. JuryLive® allows you to learn the strengths and vulnerabilities of your case in a fraction of the time it takes to convene a traditional mock trial.

Legal Graphics
With over 6 million (and counting) graphics produced, we can build visual case strategies for every phase of litigation, including motion practice, hearings, meetings and trial. From powerful animations and timelines to tutorials that make complex facts clear, our team delivers strategic graphics that give your case real, memorable impact.

Remote Arbitrations
From technology consulting to equipment testing, setup, management and platform facilitation, our trial technology team has your remote arbitration covered.

Remote Capabilities
We offer multiple remote research and strategy options to preserve your discovery deadlines and help you gain a winning edge.

With SocialDiscover™, our social media discovery service, we exhaustively research and analyze the social media activity and attitudes of potential jurors, litigants or other subjects. 

Trial Consulting
Our jury research and consulting services provide a look into the forces that shape your trial. Our strategy development research and analysis will help you identify the concepts and themes that resonate most, based on empirical data. 

Trial Technology
Our trial technicians have over 6,000 days of experience in the “hot seat” in both state and federal venues nationwide.  Our Trial Technology Specialists are well versed in state-of-the-art technology, seasoned in the demands of trial and keenly conditioned to the nuance of courtroom protocol and procedure.